The Stackable Philosophy

The Stackable Philosophy

Last Updated on December 10, 2019

Stackable’s aim is simple – we want to provide useful and stunning blocks so everyone can have a little more swag.

Balancing Utility and Great Design in Providing an Amazing Block Collection

It is our philosophy that everyone should enjoy free and ready access to a full set of great blocks to make building amazing webpages as simple and straightforward as possible.

The Most Useful Blocks

When we consider including a block in our library, we always ask ourselves if people will actually use that particular block. We want to build blocks that actually matter to our users – those blocks that can be fully utilized and will contribute to the page building experience in a meaningful way. To us, why develop a block that no one will use? (We try not to get distracted by fluff – although it’s so hard because imaginations can sometimes run wild. LOL.) 

We also try to make our library as complete as possible, which means Stackable is always in a constant state of progress. We anticipate that more blocks will continuously be added to our library as more types of sections are created for different types of webpages.

With all of this in mind, we aim to provide the most useful block collection that everyone can enjoy.

Providing a Breakthrough Page Building Experience with Versatile Designs

In conceptualizing our blocks, we make sure that the block designs are all versatile and have a professional finish. We know that while blocks need to be useful, they also need to be stunning. After all, form and substance always make the perfect package. This is why we make sure that our blocks come in designs that are simple and easy on the eyes. We’ve made the most jaw-dropping collection of design layouts and pre-set section designs that can be used in just one click!

So there you have it – Stackable uses this simple philosophy – striking a balance between utility and great design to give you the best, most stunning yet most straightforward set of blocks that lets you reimagine the way you use the WordPress Block Editor. We hope that we do not disappoint.

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15 thoughts on “The Stackable Philosophy

    1. Hi David! Thanks for the suggestion. We’ve been considering including a countdown block and might include it in future releases down the road. For the counter, could you elaborate more? We currently have a count up block already – check out our demo to see if this what you have in mind.

  1. Hello. Let me ask you something: Your Gutenberg blocks plugin could integrate advanced custom fields (ACF pro especially)? I mean, I will create block templates with your plugin, but the content will be loaded with custom fields, so I could use the same block template in multiple pages, but different content cause ACF. Does my question make sense? Of course, I could register my own blocks made with ACF Pro, but I would prefer to mix your nice block templates with custom fields. Thank you!

    1. Hi Marcel! We’ll try to see what we can do with integrations down the road. Keep the great suggestions coming. We’ll put them on the list of things that we can explore. ?

    1. Unfortunately, we don’t have timeline/roadmap block yet, but I’ve already added this to our list of suggestions and look at what we can do about this in the future. 😊

  2. Hello there.

    Do you support dynamic custom types now or does client have to edit content via Gutenberg editor? E.g I want client to input products in WYSIWYG editor, but it will be displayed nicely as layouted in a stackable block?

    Is Stackable more for “static” content projects or very capable now on dynamic content?

    Some integration like Toolset or ACF?


    1. Hey Jill,

      We’re not yet there in terms of being able to create dynamic templates, but this is where we would want to be further down the road. However, as long as the tools you’re using for dynamic templates or content can be integrated with Gutenberg, then you should be able to use Stackable as well. I haven’t tried with Toolset yet, but for ACF you can use their shortcodes inside blocks to show dynamic text.

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