At a loss for words for your website’s About Page? Here’s a guide that will help you write compelling copy for your About Page!
Some might argue that the About Page is one of the essential parts of a website. While it serves as an educational resource for the readers, it can also be a way to encourage them to continue browsing your website, and eventually, convince them to perform a desired action.
If you’re interested in writing an About page that is compelling and engrossing, keep reading but first, let’s discuss why having a great About Page is important.
Why an About Page is Important
When you’re drafting your about page, it’s imperative that you understand that this section is not for your company, but your customers. Give them a sense of what your website offers–what do they get in return? What sets you apart from your competitors? What value do they get from choosing your products or services over others’?
In addition to that, it’s a way for you to show your website’s credibility or legitimacy. The about page doesn’t have to be completely text. It could also include certain information like certifications or awards.
A Guide to Writing a Great About Page
You could add just about any information on your about page that you think might interest your website visitors. However, you will have to consider that too much information could overwhelm readers. Information overload could be a bit of a turn off and people might just skip reading through your content.
Here are a few elements that you could consider for your About Page:
Compelling header
Start off your About Page with a header that includes a compelling catchphrase or headline that encapsulates what your business or website is all about.
Here are a few points to remember when you’re brainstorming for your headline:
- Focus on what sets you apart
Mastercard’s slogan is a great example. “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s Mastercard.” It clearly and concisely conveys the reason why people should get one. What is your selling point that makes your website or business unique? Figure out the answer if you haven’t yet, and make sure to fuse it into your headline.
- Make it evergreen
Think long-term. Don’t be wishy-washy and change your headline every so often. A good catch phrase is one that will stick not just for your business, but in your consumers’ thoughts as well.
- Keep it simple and straight to the point
Don’t leave your catchphrase open to interpretation. Make sure it’s straightforward and concise and summarizes the essence of your website or value proposition. A great example would be KFC’s “It’s Finger-lickin’ good.” It may be a figure of speech but it perfectly describes how good their products are.
Having a great header is instrumental to keep your website visitors engaged and it’s a way to leave a mark on them.
Your Content
This will be the body of your About Page where you will include various types of information like your company values, mission, overview (product, service, etc), and even your history. Again, keep your About Page short and to the point, without sacrificing the quality of your content so as not to bore anyone scrolling through your page.
Here, you could identify a problem you’re trying to solve and what your customers’ pain points are. Then explain how your products or services could be the best solution to their problem. This is where your value proposition comes in. Enumerate some motivations that might convince your customers to choose your solution over others. What makes your product or service different from others? Convince them that your solution is worth their time and money.
Additionally, you could also detail your progress to show that you have been continuously developing your product or service. How has your business changed? How has it developed over time? Sharing your progress to become the business that you are today shows that you are devoted to the work that you do and in return, will give your customers the confidence to continuously trust your work.
Finally, always consider your audience and who you’re writing your About Page for. As previously mentioned, your About Page is not for you but for your potential customers. Learn what type of writing style your customers best respond to and use this to your advantage.
Introduce Your Team Members
Another purpose for creating an About Page is to build trust with your potential customers. Adding a team members section is one of many ways you could do this. Putting faces and names on the people behind your business establishes that it is legitimate. You could also add credentials for each member if it is applicable (and with their consent, of course) to boost your credibility.
Enumerate Your Accomplishments
If your business or website has won any awards or has gotten any media features, your About Page is a great area to place them. Unless you have too many, it may warrant a whole page to showcase them. Enumerating your accomplishments is another way to establish credibility and build trust. Seeing social proof or recognition from other well-known online/offline platforms might prompt your website visitors to trust you or even be a deciding factor in choosing your business or website over others.
Here’s how the team behind Slack boasted of their accomplishments on their About Page. They enumerated the most notable statistics that they have right below their hero area.
Share Some Testimonials and/or Reviews
Testimonials and reviews are great methods to exhibit social proof. Show how your existing and previous customers were satisfied with your product or service. Take a look at how Klaviyo shared how their product was able to help their customers. They might have only used one testimonial, but it was enough to make an impact.
Lastly, in case you have any negative reviews and comments, it’s an opportunity to show how you were able to mitigate any unsatisfactory experiences from previous customers. This will be a plus for your customer service/happiness efforts.
Invitation to perform a desired action (Call-to-Action)
We want our website visitors to keep engaging with our website. By the end of your About Page, add a Call-to-Action section–whether it’s to browse your product or service catalog, or to read through other pages of content that you have. Remind them of a desired action. You could even conduct different types of testing with your CTA to find out what kind of Call-to-Action is most effective. You could have a whole width CTA to completely catch your customers’ attention or even just a button that stands out. Don’t be afraid to experiment!
Final Words
Just to recap, you could do so much with your About Page if you make the most out of it. Let loose when you write your about page and take advantage of this section of your website.