Create Dynamic Websites with Meta Box

Meta Box gives you more control over how you store data on your WordPress website. Paired with Stackable and you’ll have the ultimate toolkit to build dynamic websites!

About Meta Box

Meta Box is a lightweight and user-friendly WordPress plugin that helps you add custom fields and details on your website. Choose from over 40 different field types such as text, images, file upload, checkboxes, and more to store custom data!

Requirements for Meta Box integration:
  • Meta Box free or PRO plugin
  • Stackable Premium
What You Can Do with Meta Box and Stackable
Customize your Query Loops using custom field and data

Tailor-fit your website’s meta data to what it needs–whether you need to build a directory, membership site, or recipe blog!

Build custom query loops without having to code

Tailor-fit your website’s meta data to what it needs–whether you need to build a directory, membership site, or recipe blog!

Have a website ready before you know it

In a rush? Browse through our design library of 400+ pre-made sections and 30+ UI Kits and populate them using data from Meta Box custom fields.

Stackable Integrates With Meta Box


Stackable users have been requesting an integration with Meta Box for the longest time, and it’s finally here! You can now populate your websites built with Stackable using Meta Box custom fields. All you have to do is update Stackable to the latStackable users have been requesting an integration with Meta Box for the longest time, and it’s finally here! You can now populate your websites built with Stackable using Meta Box custom fields. All you have…est version and it will automatically pick up Meta Box custom fields and…

How to Display Metabox Custom Fields Using Stackable Blocks


You can use Metabox custom fields as Dynamic Sources with Stackable’s Dynamic Content feature. This integration will allow you to display your Metabox custom field content inside Stackable blocks and native blocks..

Unlock this integration with Stackable Premium