Special Block

Icon Label Block

The Icon Label Block for WordPress allows you to add additional text to your icons. With its flexibility, have the chance to make creative labels to make important items standout.

Icon Label 1

Icon Label 2

Icon Label 3

Icon Label 4

Styling Options

Style your block with the following inspector and toolbar options:

  • Typography Options & Controls
  • Icon Gap Option
  • Block Background, Size & Spacing, Borders & Shadows Options
  • Alignment Option
  • Dynamic Content
  • Transform & Transition Effects
  • Motion Effects

Best Used With

Customize your call to action to your website’s needs with the following blocks:

Here are some other samples of our block

You may also check out how these samples were designed by watching our video on it or copying the block’s code.

Title for this Article

Written by Juan Dela Cruz

March 28, 2021

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent scelerisque libero et malesuada aliquam. Vestibulum aliquam posuere pulvinar. Nullam rutrum elit sed diam scelerisque, vel vestibulum sapien condimentum. Etiam ut maximus leo. Nunc eget ex neque. Praesent nisl tortor, blandit quis eleifend non, vulputate ac ligula. Sed nulla nisl, posuere ut enim eu, cursus sollicitudin est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer vestibulum blandit nisl, sit amet aliquam lacus maximus ut. Cras et laoreet velit. Duis non fermentum sem, vel volutpat sem.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent scelerisque libero et malesuada aliquam. Vestibulum aliquam posuere pulvinar. Nullam rutrum elit sed diam scelerisque, vel vestibulum sapien condimentum. Etiam ut maximus leo. Nunc eget ex neque. Praesent nisl tortor, blandit quis eleifend non, vulputate ac ligula. Sed nulla nisl, posuere ut enim eu, cursus sollicitudin est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer vestibulum blandit nisl, sit amet aliquam lacus maximus ut. Cras et laoreet velit. Duis non fermentum sem, vel volutpat sem.

2-column block with a heading, subtitle and icon label block on the left, and a text block on the right

Subtitle for this block

Product Features

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent scelerisque libero et malesuada aliquam. Vestibulum aliquam posuere pulvinar.

Product feature 1

Product feature 2

Product feature 3

Product feature 4

Product feature 5

Product feature 6

2-column block with an image block on the left, and a subtitle, heading, text block followed by a 2-column block with nested icon label blocks

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